Ron Surace

"Trio City 2"
S-SSD 0108
UPC: 700797010823
April 2004
Chicago’s piano man returns by request with a follow up to his highly successful CD from 2001, "Trio City," with "Trio City 2, The Return of The Trio." This is Mr. Surace’s 4th Southport CD, and the collection of tracks brings the classic fire of jazz trio into the musical realm of the 21st century.
"Trio City"
S-SSD 0091
UPC: 700797009124
October 2001

Ron Surace returns for his third Southport CD in a crisp recording of jazz trio standards. With Tatsu Aoki on bass and Dave Pavkovic on drums.

"Nearly Blue"
S-SSD 0054
UPC: 700797005423
February 1999
Pianist/Composer Ron Surace projects infectious melodies, with Eric Schneider, Michael Arnopol & Rusty Jones!
"The New Cool"
S-SSD 0037
UPC: 700797003726
April 1995

Pianist-composer Ron Surace re-defines cool with his CD of all original "new standards".